How do wine critics find the best wines?
In order to receive recognition, wines are commonly entered in wine competitions. During these events, wines are tasted and evaluated by a panel of expert judges, otherwise known as wine critics. The process typically involves the following steps:
Submissions: Wineries submit their wines to the competition, specifying the category or style for each entry.
Tasting: The wines are often presented to the judges in a blind-tasting format during the competition. This means they do not know the winery they are evaluating, so they can remain impartial.
Evaluation: Judges assess the wines based on a set of criteria, including appearance, aroma, flavor, body, balance and finish. They assign scores or ratings to each wine.
Medals and Awards: Wines that meet specific quality standards are awarded medals, such as gold, silver, or bronze, depending on their scores. They also earn a numerical rating on a 100-point scale, with the best wines earning over 90 points. Some competitions may grant special awards, like "Best in Show" or "Best Varietal."
Wine competitions and critics play an important role in recognizing excellence, helping wine lovers choose what to drink and providing valuable feedback for winemakers. However, it's your personal preference and opinion that matter most. While awards can be helpful if you're struggling to select a bottle, you should feel confident in wines you like, regardless of their award status. Never hesitate to try something new, even if it hasn't caught a critic's eye. The wine world is filled with hidden treasures. The best way to find new favorites is to let your palate be your guide as you explore unfamiliar regions and producers worldwide.